End of Life Bundle

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Conditions from natural age decline or a terminal health diagnosis can be devastating for all involved. This collection of recordings offers support to prepare for a peaceful, calm and conscious passing from the physical to the spiritual realm. Death, just like birth, marks a crucial milestone in a soul's journey. The gifts that can come from this extraordinary transition apply to all souls involved - both the dying and those who attend the dying.

My mother has been doing the Om [recording]. She's trying to heal her brain since she is experiencing some kind of dementia. Her symptoms are not remembering things very well. Today she did it sitting up by herself. She tells me that she first felt very relaxed, she tried to calm her brain trying not to think of anything, then she felt something very strange, she felt like she was expanding her whole body, like it was getting bigger and bigger, a feeling of freedom. She tells me that she felt that she wasn't one, she was part of everything, something magnificent, that her body was too small. She says that she will do it everyday, she says its easy to get addicted to this. 
— Paulina

2 recordings
39 minutes each
verbal: YES | nonverbal: YES

3 recordings
70 minutes each
verbal: NO | nonverbal: YES

Om 2 sample:

For best results, listen with headphones.

(2 tracks) This recording supports a profound sense of presence and relaxation, invoking for some a feeling of being in our true "home."

Cosmic Womb sample:

For best results, listen with headphones or good quality speakers.

(1 track) Originally developed as sound support for the sacred act of giving birth, this recording induces a timeless state of calm, peaceful tranquility. 

Whole Theta sample:

For best results, listen with headphones or good quality speakers.

(1 track) This recording reduces anxiety and stress, enhances a heightened inner awareness and promotes imagery.

Sacred Lullaby sample:

For best results, listen with headphones or good quality speakers.

(1 track) Listen for comfort, reassurance and cultivate trust that all is well.

Customer Reviews

Based on 2 reviews
Tomasz Oczachowski

very good for my difficult time now

Sondra Lewis
End of Life

This was very disappointing for me. The sounds are not well blended and the sleep meditation was completely off pitch.

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