Whole Mind Bundle

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Excellent for beginners, this set of recordings and listening protocols reduced anxiety by 26% in a Manhattan psychiatric practice after two weeks of listening. Set a regular listening routine to achieve a calmer, more focused state of mind.

We received great feed back in 2020 when we offered Whole Mind Bundle free to those with economic uncertainty. We also we reduced the cost of the MP3 format $19. Select the FREE option with our gratitude for making time to calm the mind.

I have been listening to the CD's almost on a daily basis for more than 6 months. If I listen before going to sleep I usually sleep better since I am more relaxed and my mind at ease. They have improved my memory and concentration when I read. They also help my athletic skills. I recommend them constantly to my friends and clients. I am grateful for these life changing CD's. Many thanks!!
— Suzan G.

6 recordings
20 minutes each
verbal: YES | nonverbal: YES

3 recordings
70 minutes each
verbal: NO | nonverbal: YES

Listening Guide: Becoming More Whole: Mind

Whole Delta sample:

For best results, listen with headphones.

Delta brainwaves are associated with deep sleep, unconsciousness, coma and trance. Delta frequencies support sleep and deep relaxation. As delta frequencies are increased, our awareness detaches from everyday worries and concerns to a more peaceful state. 

Whole Theta sample:

For best results, listen with headphones.

Theta brainwaves are associated with intuition, creativity, fantasies and imagery and is most prominent during enhanced spiritual awareness. We are naturally in this state between being asleep and awake each day. Theta frequencies support meditation, creative inspiration and intuitive development.

Whole Alpha sample:

For best results, listen with headphones.

Alpha brainwaves are associated with mental focus, contemplation, dreams, relaxation and calm. Alpha frequencies support study, writing, contemplation and clarity.

Customer Reviews

Based on 68 reviews
Atholl Malcolm
Whole Mind Bundle

I am trying to spend time daily but not yet being successful. Nevertheless, I am able to forget where I am and focus on my heart as instructed or just on my conception of God.

Judit Sánchez Luque

Amazing music!

Phil Humby
Whole mind bundle

Have not listened to all of the tracks as of yet due to repeat listening to tracks that are fantastic in being able to relax me and allow me to sleep!
Will continue to press on and review all of the other tracks and report back.
Regards, Phil.

miranda richardson

So beautiful to listen to these calming and opening tapes--thank you so very mu8ch for a freely accessible version!

Melissa, Wisconsin

Paco Cáceres

Great job.

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