
I am new to meditation & exploring consciousness, what can I expect?

Listeners report a quieting of the mind, profound relaxation, better focus, improved health and inner peace. 

Where should I start?

The Whole Mind Bundle is an audio program designed to assist with quieting the mind and learning to entrain the brain to states of delta, theta and alpha. Through a regular routine, a calmer, more focused state of mind can be achieved.

Foundation Series 2 contains a series of four recordings, with both verbal and nonverbal versions, that support the listener into progressively more expanded states of awareness. 

If you prefer to begin with just one recording, WaterOm 2Whole Theta and Cosmic Womb are all excellent starting points for beginners. Try the short samples on each product page to find what resonates with you.

If you're looking to improve sleep, check out our Sleep options.