Secret Garden

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Journey to a sacred inner space to a Secret Garden, an environment conducive to potential contact with a loved one, alive or deceased. In a dream-like state, after death communication is more common than we realize. Cultivating this state of awareness will open the listener to direct, personal experience.

2 recordings
39 minutes each
verbal: YES | nonverbal: YES
verbal guidance: MEDIUM

Secret Garden guided sample:

For best results, listen with headphones.

Copious evidence demonstrates that our conscious awareness will continue beyond death of the physical body. Learning to manage that awareness helps to process grief and more fully understand events around the loss of a loved one.

Embedded with NeuralHelix delta and theta brainwave entrainment frequencies to support profound relaxation and transcendence, Secret Garden can be used to connect with the higher soul of any sentient being, including pets, whether alive or deceased.

Customer Reviews

Based on 4 reviews
Kathryn Huffman
Secret garden

I did not like this CD. I thought it would have a lot of nature sounds but it has very few. It was not pleasant for me personally.

Sheila Nelson
Love it!

I qbsolutly love it! It was an amazing purchase. It really helped to make
me feel so relaxed. Thank you so much!

Tobin Swafford

This is for Secret Garden. It is lovely. As I entered the light in my mind's eye, I first encountered Chris, an old friend of mine who passed away at the young age of 42 from leading a tumultuous lifestyle. Chris is now calm and serene, knowing but also strangely amused. Next I encountered three of my pets who have crossed over the rainbow bridge. Swifty, our three legged dog, is now healthy and has all four legs. Vito, our one-eyed cat, now has two beautiful green eyes. Tobi the cat, who was ornery in life, is now happy and loving. Next came my grandparents, Greene, Ione, Dorothy, and Shirley, all now wise beings of eternal love and light. I asked, "Is this real?" A voice in my head answered, "Yes." I suppose it's as real as it can be while still incarnate.

Sacred Acoustics introduced me to meditation. I learned to be still by listening to your guided meditations. Before I experienced them, I could not sit in meditation for more than a few minutes without extreme mental discomfort. Now I can sit in meditation, with or without Sacred Acoustics, for extended periods of time in peace.

I will always support Sacred Acoustics and the wider work that I know you are a part of.

Great sounds but please hire a human

I really love the music and powerful meditative audio you are creating. I listen to your older tracks all the time. The most recent tracks use a robot for guided meditation and it really derails the entire experience. I’m sure you could hire a human to record this for you like you used to do! I always like to have the guided audio playing I just wish it were a human.

Thank you for your feedback on the voice of our most recent tracks, Regeneration and Secret Garden. It is a human voice on both tracks, and not a robot voice. It is the same vocalist as on many previous recordings. We respect the view that the qualities of that voice may have changed over time but to say it is a robot is inaccurate. Thank you again for sharing your thoughts.

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