Whole Heart Bundle

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Bring more love into your life and the world through a regular practice of attention to the heart. Find more balance and stability, a retreat from worries and concerns, improve your relationships, and fully realize your authentic nature as a loving, creative force.

I ordered the heart package last month. I love it! It is worth every penny. I have felt energy moving throughout me when using any of the recordings. The first time I listened to Love Body I had a significant healing experience. It was profound. Thank you for what you do!
— Kate Terlinden

8 recordings
20 minutes each
verbal: YES | nonverbal: YES

6 recordings
39 minutes each
verbal: YES | nonverbal: YES

1 recording
70 minutes
verbal: NO | nonverbal: YES

Listening Guide: Becoming More Whole: Heart

Heart Presence sample:

For best results, listen with headphones.

(8 tracks) These recordings support a daily practice of relaxed focus and an expanded state of awareness. They will help to improve positive emotions and reduce negative emotions, creating more ease and improved relationships.

Heart Center 2 sample:

For best results, listen with headphones.

(2 tracks) The heart generates a powerful electromagnetic field which has an influence on the world around you. Cultivate a greater awareness of the universe to attain an unlimited, euphoric state of being, and create more love, joy and compassion.

Golden Light  sample:

For best results, listen with headphones.

(2 tracks) Feed your soul by inviting light into the body to restore energy, nourish your entire being (physical, mental, emotional and spiritual), and enliven you with vibrating, pulsating energy.

Love Body sample:

Nonverbal sample:

For best results, listen with headphones or good quality speakers.

(3 tracks) Love is what makes the world bearable - it is the most important aspect of life. Become the love that you are with this one-of-a-kind soundscape and fully embody divine love from source, the force that binds us all.


Customer Reviews

Based on 8 reviews
James Apps
I Can Feel Effects

The recordings have enhanced my intuition.

Jana Gärtner
Just amazing and beatiful

These binoral beats have a very soothing effect on me. I am fascinated by how complex and varied they are. as if a picture story was being told to me. Scenes of beautiful nature and inner landscapes appear before my inner eye. I am very touched.

Happy New Customer

What impressed me most was the actual -physical- sensations the Sacred Acoustics delivered, not just thru the head, but on down the spine & all throughout the body.

All I can say is it was quite an experience. Did my best quieting the mind chatter while riding the sacred soundwaves wherever they took me. Following along how to breathe & when to chant really helps reach a deeper, receptive state for the amazing healing & transportive tonal music. I didn’t expect transpersonal encounters so soon!

When a session winds down, it is wise to take time to bask in the afterglow of good feeling - emotional & physical - before getting up and going on with one’s day in a more deeply positive & relaxed mood. -Do- record/journal the experience soon afterwards. It’s sad how quick such precious insights can slip away even an hour later.

I started out feeling rather down on myself to being elated, happy, calmer, & content after finishing my first session! -Thank you- Karen Newell & everyone at Sacred Acoustics.

Sue White
Product not received

I did not receive the CDs that I purchased.

Susan Shapiro
Loving the Whole Heart Bundle

Every afternoon I take time for myself to enjoy these sacred acoustics. I love everything about these tracks. Thank you!

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