Mental Health Breakthroughs

by Karen Newell 1 Comment

Mental Health Breakthroughs

Using advanced brainwave entrainment audio technology, Sacred Acoustics offers some of the leading resources to improve stress, anxiety, depression, addiction, and insomnia, while also empowering the patient in the healing process. We have received countless anecdotes and reports on ways that our recordings have helped various individuals. We knew our recordings had powerful potential, but wanted to quantify the results.

A 2018 pilot study performed in Anna Yusim's psychiatric practice revealed a 26% reduction in anxiety after two weeks of following the listening protocol, as compared to a 7% reduction in anxiety in patients receiving regular therapy without the sound element. Patients reported a myriad of other benefits, such as better sleep, improved focus and personal breakthroughs.

We are excited to present two 5-day practitioner training courses, offered by Dr. Eben Alexander, Dr. Anna Yusim and myself (Karen Newell) in upstate New York and northern California.  The course is designed for physicians, nurses, mental health therapists, addiction specialists, counselors and related health practitioners, including life coaches, hypnotherapists, acupuncturists and other energy-healing modalities.

There will be ample opportunity to discuss non-conventional relationships of brain and consciousness, review scientific evidence for filter theory and metaphysical idealism. We will present the various causes of mental health disorders and offer a broader perspective on mental health treatment modalities. We will explain precisely how to incorporate Sacred Acoustics recordings into nearly any form of therapeutic practice. 

You will learn how to facilitate your patients/clients in applying practical techniques in their daily lives, and specifically how they might utilize specialized sound recordings as a tool for healing, harmony and wholeness. You will learn how meditation, heart awareness and other practices help the professional understand the value of personal experience as a link to mood stabilization and intuitive awareness.

You will practice using focused attention in preparation for a range of patient/client contacts from office visits to treatments or surgery. You will learn techniques for becoming more whole - mind, heart and spirit - and the heart’s role in spiritual, emotional, mental and physical health. 

1440 Multiversity in Scotts Valley, CA and Omega Institute in Rhinebeck, NY are both beautiful campuses surrounded by nature. Escape from your daily routine in a quiet, peaceful setting to learn these vital strategies for healing and maintaining optimum health.


Karen Newell
Karen Newell


co-founder of Sacred Acoustics and co-author of Living in a Mindful Universe

1 Response

Michael Horrigan
Michael Horrigan

August 01, 2019

I had a profound spiritual experience way back in 1987 and it has changed my life completly .However im on an antidepressant (seroxat/paxil 30mg ) for 23 years ,im 63 now and i dont know if if your healing program would be effective in my circustance .Or if it would have some kind of cumlative and/or negative responce .I have tried the OM free trial and find it deeply relaxing .How it might work in a time of stress, im not certain ,time will tell .Im an avid follower of dr eben and his efforts to convey the message of inner healing .I would love to find a way in which i could be free of treatment ,but am fully aware of their effectiveness in my own case .Is there any case xamples of people on reduced meds ,over time as a result of Sacred Acustics .TB quiet honest fear can be overwhelming for me without treatment .Love from Ireland

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