Are your recordings safe for kids?

by Karen Newell

Are your recordings safe for kids?

Many listeners ask if our recordings can be used by children and the answer is a resounding - yes! The most common reason for parents to ask if their child might benefit from listening relates to anxiety or inducing calmness in the face of distress, while others need help with sleep or focus.  

We created the recordings included with Baby Bundle for exactly this purpose. Cosmic Womb and Sacred Lullaby are especially conducive to children, although listeners of all age enjoy these soundscapes. 

One parent tells this story:

I have a daughter that has extreme explosive behavior. The Sacred Acoustic meditation CD’s (Know Yourself and Healing Center) turned her life around. It was like a light switch was turned on in her brain and calmed her down. She is 80% better right now and only has extreme behavior when there is transition of any kind. Although she seems to have overcome these issues faster. Instead of a 30 minute-1 hour outburst it’s now only up to 5-10 minutes. She has only been listening for 3 weeks.

Of course, everyone is unique and will respond in different ways so it is important to determine a child or teenager's level of interest and willingness to listen. Teens may be more self-guided while younger children will need assistance. Some will enjoy wearing headphones, while others will not. Some of our recordings work well over speakers, while others do not.

Fortunately, both of the Baby Bundle recordings are unique as compared to others, because they will have some effect even when played over a portable cellular phone or similar device, allowing for the greatest flexibility when trying to help your child relax. Listen to the short samples and experiment with your child to see what works best in your situation.


Karen Newell
Karen Newell


co-founder of Sacred Acoustics and co-author of Living in a Mindful Universe

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